3,056 research outputs found

    Phase I and Phase II Therapies for Acute Ischemic Stroke: An Update on Currently Studied Drugs in Clinical Research.

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    Acute ischemic stroke is a devastating cause of death and disability, consequences of which depend on the time from ischemia onset to treatment, the affected brain region, and its size. The main targets of ischemic stroke therapy aim to restore tissue perfusion in the ischemic penumbra in order to decrease the total infarct area by maintaining blood flow. Advances in research of pathological process and pathways during acute ischemia have resulted in improvement of new treatment strategies apart from restoring perfusion. Additionally, limiting the injury severity by manipulating the molecular mechanisms during ischemia has become a promising approach, especially in animal research. The purpose of this article is to review completed and ongoing phases I and II trials for the treatment of acute ischemic stroke, reviewing studies on antithrombotic, thrombolytic, neuroprotective, and antineuroinflammatory drugs that may translate into more effective treatments

    Can we manage prophylactic therapy in COVID-19 patients to prevent severe illness complications?

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    Many patients with COVID-19 have thromboembolic complications that worsen their prognosis. Herein, the authors propose a modified version of the CHA2DS2-VASc score, including 1 point for COVID-19, so that prophylaxis to protect against thromboembolic events would be indicated before the condition becomes severe. The advantages of this modification would be prevention of the patient’s condition worsening due to thromboembolic problems and reduction of the likelihood of a need for intensive care and mechanical ventilation, reducing mortality.Many patients with COVID-19 have thromboembolic complications that worsen their prognosis. Herein, the authors propose a modified version of the CHA2DS2-VASc score, including 1 point for COVID-19, so that prophylaxis to protect against thromboembolic events would be indicated before the condition becomes severe. The advantages of this modification would be prevention of the patient’s condition worsening due to thromboembolic problems and reduction of the likelihood of a need for intensive care and mechanical ventilation, reducing mortality

    SSM: A Semantic Metasearch Platform for Scientific Data retrieval

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    Scientific research in all fields has advanced in complexity and in the amount of data generated. The heterogeneity of data repositories, data meaning and their metadata standards makes this problem even more significant. In spite of several proposals to find and retrieve research data from public repositories, there is still need for more comprehensive retrieval solutions. In this article, we specify and develop a mechanism to search for scientific data that takes advantage of metadata records and semantic methods. We present the conception of our architecture and how we have implemented it in a use case in the agriculture domain

    Projeto conceitual de embarcação solar para o transporte público de passageiros

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    TCC (graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Campus Joinville. Engenharia Naval.O trabalho apresenta o desenvolvimento do projeto conceitual/preliminar de uma embarcação solar para o transporte público de passageiros, motivada pelo crescente interesse mundial no desenvolvimento e utilização de fontes limpas e renováveis de energia. O projeto terá como âmbito de atuação a cidade de Florianópolis, em Santa Catarina e se mostra como uma alternativa hidroviária para o auxílio na mobilidade urbana da ilha. Uma espiral de projeto é desenvolvida, direcionando o desenvolvimento da embarcação. De posse dos resultados do projeto, comparações e sugestões serão feitas para analisar a viabilidade da implementação desse modal de transporte público

    Mineração e desenvolvimento em Minas Gerais na década 2000-2010

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     Neste trabalho retomamos a discussão sobre o desenvolvimento em economias periféricas com forte participação do setor primário exportador. Empregando o enfoque do economista brasileiro Celso Furtado, expusemos linhas gerais do desenvolvimento de economias pós-coloniais onde o veiculo de entrada na divisão internacional do trabalho foi a incorporação como fornecedoras de matéria prima, procurando evidenciar os efeitos dessa forma de articulação na formação do mercado interno e no perfil da demanda interna. Vimos que, segundo a formulação do autor, houve a constituição de pequena diversificação econômica e dependência externa, em especial, na forma de incorporação de progresso técnico. Procuramos também demonstrar que – a despeito de modificações profundas transcorridas no mercado brasileiro no último quarto do séc. XX – as questões decorrentes da dependência, tal qual definida por Celso Furtado, não cessaram de ser pertinentes na economia brasileira. Este fato é particularmente verdadeiro no quadro da economia do estado de Minas Gerais

    Embates e (re)construção de sentidos na saúde brasileira contemporânea: uma análise pecheutiana

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    Esta dissertação desenvolve-se no bojo do panorama epistemológico da Análise de Discurso Materialista. Movimento desenvolvido por Michel Pêcheux nas brechas entre o materialismo histórico althusseriano, a psicanálise lacaniana e a linguística saussureana. O trabalho se divide em três momentos principais, tem início ao propor uma interlocução entre Saussure e Pêcheux, estabelecendo um diálogo direto entre o “efeito metafórico”, desenvolvido por Pêcheux, e noções centrais em Saussure, tais como analogia e relações sintagmáticas e associativas. No segundo momento, analisa-se o videodocumentário SUS 30 anos, no qual se busca compreender no âmbito do setor saúde os efeitos de sentido, pontos de tensão nas relações de identificação, resistência e assujeitamento, tanto do sujeito enfermeiro quanto da enfermagem como classe profissional. Por fim, de forma a investigar a organização do componente Saúde e seu funcionamento na interpelação dos sujeitos dentro da Constituição Federal de 1988 e da Lei 8080/90, constrói-se uma discussão entre este fragmento de legislação com a análise de discurso e a teoria da história. Ao recontextualizar conceitos e abordagens no âmbito da AAD-69 e articulá-los na busca dos funcionamentos pelos quais os embates e (re)construção de sentidos ocorrem na saúde brasileira, espera-se como contribuição desta dissertação promover interlocuções, mesmo que tímidas, entre as ciências da saúde e a análise de discurso.This thesis adopts the epistemological approach of French Discourse Analysis. It was developed by Michel Pêcheux, as an in-between area of the Althusserian historical materialism, Lacanian psychoanalysis and Saussurean linguistics. The thesis is divided into three main moments. It starts with a critical comparative analysis between Saussure and Pêcheux’s works, establishing connections around key concepts in the former, such as analogy, and syntagmatic and associative relationships with “metaphorical effect” in the latter. Seeking to understand how contradictory processes, such as identification, resistance, power struggle, and subjugation works within the health sector as they occur to both, nurses, and nursing at large, the SUS 30 anos docummentary was analyzed afterwards. At the end, the 1988 Federal Constitution of Brazil, as well as Law 8080/90, were faced with Marx’s theory of history and french discourse analysis to investigate the structure of the health component within the law. While working alongside a renewal movement of Pêcheux’s automated discourse analysis, this thesis intended to build bridges in gaps between health sciences and french discourse analysis by looking at how discourses in Brazilian healthcare can shape and rebuild meanings

    In vitro wear resistance of three types of polymethyl methacrylate denture teeth

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    The wear resistance of denture teeth is important to the longevity of removable prostheses of edentulous patients. The ability of denture teeth to maintain a stable occlusal relationship over time may be influenced by this property. The purpose of this in vitro study was to evaluate the wear resistance of polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) denture teeth based on their chemical composition when opposed by a ceramic antagonist. The maxillary canines (n=10) of 3 PMMA denture teeth (Trubyte Biotone, cross-linked PMMA; Trilux, highly cross-linked IPN (interpenetrating polymer network)-PMMA; and Vivodent, highly cross-linked PMMA) were secured in an in vitro 2-body wear-testing apparatus that produced sliding contact of the specimens (4.5 cycles/s, sliding distance of 20 mm, under 37°C running water) against glazed or airborne particle abraded ceramic. Wear resistance was measured as height loss (mm) under 300 g (sliding force) after 100,000 cycles, using a digital measuring microscope. Mean values were analyzed by 2-way ANOVA and Tukey's test (a=0.05). The wear of Trubyte Biotone (0.93 ± 0.14 mm) was significantly higher than that of both other types of teeth tested against abraded ceramic (p<0.05). The Vivodent tooth (0.64 ± 0.17 mm) exhibited the best wear resistance among the denture teeth tested against airborne particle abraded ceramic. There were no statistically significant differences (p>0.05) in wear among the 3 denture teeth evaluated against glazed ceramic. Trilux and Vivodent teeth tested against either glazed or airborne particle abraded ceramic did not differ significantly from each other (p<0.05). All teeth showed significantly more wear against airborne particle abraded ceramic than against glazed ceramic (p<0.05). In conclusion, the three types of PMMA denture teeth presented significantly different wear resistance against the abraded ceramic. The high-strength PMMA denture teeth were more wear-resistant than the conventional PMMA denture tooth.Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq